Academic Counseling Sessions

They are focused on four major areas: academic, career, financial, and personal concerns.


To assist engineering students with employing the concept of ‘beginning with the end in mind’ – successfully planning for job placement or the continuation of their education after the undergraduate years by carrying out and facilitating the following tasks:

  • Monitoring academic performance
  • Assisting students with the creation and attainment of smart goals
  • Connecting students to useful campus resources
  • Assisting in the enhancement of students’ problem solving abilities
  • Providing opportunities for students to adequately prepare for graduate education
  • Providing a forum in which students have opportunities to share best practices for academic success in the engineering curriculum

Examples of Talking Points by Class Level

A person working on a laptop smiling

Sense of Belonging
Scholarships (How to maintain and obtain)
Communication with Professors
Tutoring/Study Skills/Time Management
Major Selection
Professional Development
Alumni Connections
Internship opportunities
Research opportunities

Two people examining a machine part

Internships Opportunities
Co-op Opportunities
Study abroad Opportunities
Connecting with your Major Department
Career planning

A person at a desk writing

Practice GRE Exam
Attending National and Regional Conferences
Graduate school prep
Industry prep
Professional development

A lab technician with glasses looking at a microchip

GRE Exam
Completing Graduate School Applications
Attending Career Fairs
Completing Graduation Requirements
Instrudusty Interviews prep
Post graduate planning
Alumni networking